Resources and Suggested Links
Homelessness: Clinical Care
- National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC)
This site includes recommended practices for team organization and health care organization, clinical guidelines and care recommendations for specific diseases, and many primary research articles related to healthcare for the homeless. While many other organizations and websites relate to services for homeless persons, NHCHC is the most focused on health care provision.
- General recommendations for clinical care of homeless patients — "Adapting Your Practice":
This publication by the NHCHC provides a practical summary regarding diagnosis, and best clinical practices for homeless persons.
- Adapted clinical guidelines for care of homeless patients with chronic illnesses:
Each NHCHC-adapted guideline includes helpful summary pages that highlight special considerations for diagnosis and management of chronic conditions.
- Boston Healthcare for the Homeless:
This team of healthcare providers has published a manual regarding common care issues, such as heat/cold exposure, infectious diseases, chronic pain, and food management. Adapted fact sheets are included for distribution to patients, written with the special needs of homeless patients in mind.